Working Hours Calculator with Break Duration

Calculate hours and minutes worked for the week

Automate with Papershift Software

Automate Staff Working Hours Calculation with Papershift Software

Sign up for a free demo and save manual work with timesheet calculation.

Free Weekly Staff Working Hours Calculator

  • Work hours calculator on Browser

    Employees clock in online directly through the computer. Save yourself from the hours of manual effort in managing timesheets and validating them.

    Working hours calculator on the browser by Papershift software
  • Clock-in and Out from a Tablet

    Employees clock in on a fixed device and can verify by signature or PIN. Available on Android and iOS.

    Working hours calculator from a tablet device
  • Track Time from your Smartphone

    Allow your employees to clock in on the go. Provide flexibility for employees to clock time from anywhere anytime

    clock and timesheet calculator from a smartphone
Working hours calculator on the browser by Papershift software
Working hours calculator from a tablet device
clock and timesheet calculator from a smartphone

Papershift combines all your Time Tracking systems

Whether online, via app or mobile, Papershift will collect all of your logged times and store them in one place.

work hour calculator from all Papershift time tracking tools

Move away from stressful and inaccurate excel templates and calculators. Choose fun and easy to use Papershift Timesheet Software

14 days Free Trial also available.