Employee Induction Plan

An induction plan is the best tool for welcoming new hires to a company. It is important for all SMEs to draft and implement one. Check our guide below.
  • Author: Siva
  • Last updated: May 14, 2022
  • 5 Minutes
a guide to employee induction plan for small and medium businesses by Papershift

New employees usually need to be introduced to a business and oriented to understand the company’s processes, culture, and ethics. For the process to be effective, induction plans are often used to ease new staff members into life at their new workplace.

But what exactly is an induction plan and how can small businesses with limited resources implement them? That’s the million-dollar question and one we aim to answer in this guide.

Let’s start by looking at what an induction plan is.

What Is an Induction?

Within the workplace, induction refers to the process of getting new employees acquainted with their new workplace and business, with the aim of helping them to settle in. During the induction period, new employees will be given the information required for them to become a valuable team member.

What is an Induction Plan?

An induction plan is a written procedure by which an employer will ease a new employee into their new workplace. It will detail how the employee will be introduced to their new role and how the company’s ethics and ethos can be imparted on them.

An induction plan will normally schedule in a serious of events and milestones over the course of the new employees first few months. Each intended to get them accustomed to their new job.

Isn’t Induction the Same as Onboarding?

The induction process is slightly different to onboarding in that it usually encompasses the very beginning of the new employee’s work life. Onboarding, on the other hand, can stretch to much further beyond. An induction can also focus more on introducing the new starter to the role and what’s expected of them, while onboarding considers more of the wider organisational culture.

Should I Set Up a Formalised Induction Plan?

It’s a good idea to have an induction process ready for when a new employee starts. This can often take the form of a template which can then be changed or adapted if necessary. Remember that some employees, such as graduates in their first job or those returning from long-term sickness, may require more support than others.

Why is Induction Important for Small Businesses?

The key thing to remember about inductions is that they’re mutually beneficial for both employees and employers. With a good induction plan, new hires will feel well-adjusted, which means they’re happier and more settled and less likely to start looking for another job right away.

Eight out of ten staff who leave organisations are recent or new employees. That’s a high turnover for any business but when you factor in the costs of hiring new staff, it can be incredibly costly for small businesses. 

What Are the Benefits of Induction Plans?

There are many advantages of having a robust and sensitive induction plan for new employees. These include:

  1. A good induction plan will save on time and resources, as employers are less likely to have to start the recruitment process all over again immediately.
  2. It’s an opportunity to get creative. Instead of treating an induction as a tick-box exercise, it can be used as an opportunity to show why the company is so great as well as showcasing the best parts of working there.
  3. The better the induction process, the more efficient and effective the employee will become in their role. Armed with knowledge and training, employees are far more able to start contributing to the wider company.
  4. Feeling supported and listened to will boost the individual’s confidence and feed into wider team morale. This can help sustain a positive company culture. 

What Might be in an Induction Plan?

A good induction plan may include a variety of activities and information to help new employees adjust. These include:

  • Contact Information

During induction, employees fill out their information, including name, beneficiaries, emergency contact number, bank details, and references, etc. This allows the business to set up payroll and deal with emergencies.

It’s also important that the employer gives their new staff members crucial contact details for the business. These might be phone numbers for their line manager or email addresses for the HR team.

  • An Agreement

An agreement may be issued to new staff members. This is the beginning of building trust between the employer and the employee. In the agreement, employee working welfare, safety, and health may be reinforced as well as consequences of contract termination, and behavioural codes. When the employees sign this agreement, they agree to the terms and conditions of employment and are reassured that the employer has their best interests at heart.

  • Details Of External and Internal Environment

If you run a small business, you may not offer staff luxuries like onsite catering or a private gym. For new staff members, especially those that have relocated knowing where they can get food or park their car is important. A good plan will put line managers in charge of introducing the recruits to their internal and external working environment.

  • Schedule

A good induction plan will set up a schedule for the new employee. This will assign them duties at a workable pace as well as addressing any training required to improve their skill base. This will keep them focused and prevent new job ‘shock’. 

  • Health And Safety Details

Any induction plan should detail how the new employee will be introduced to the health and safety procedures of their new workplace. Things like fire drills and first aid need to be addressed with the new staff member being walked through processes. 

What Does the UK Law Say About Induction Plans?

While there are no concrete laws that govern induction plans in the UK, there are a few regulations that impact on them. For example, all new staff should be introduced to a workplace’s health and safety procedures or the company could be fined or sued if an issue arises.

In Conclusion

An induction plan is the best tool for welcoming new hires to a company. It is important for all organizations to draft and implement one. Induction helps employees take the shortest time to adapt to their new working environment.

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Written by Siva

I write & describe the value & benefits delivered by Paperhift's rota planning, staff time tracking, and employee payroll management software. Especially useful for Shift Planners, Rota Managers, Team Admins, and HR Teams :-)