Employee time tracking the way you want it to work. Check your options.

36% of businesses leak revenues due to poor time tracking. Timesheet management is easy & fun with app / tablet-based time tracking. Know more below.
  • Author: Siva
  • Last updated: May 23, 2022
  • 5 Minutes
employee time tracking the way you want it to work by Papershift

Papershift offers 5 types of time tracking 

Since the EUGH judgement on 14.05.2019, the topic of recording employee working time has been on every HR teams discussion topics. Many of us can still recollect the image of the historical time clock from the times of industrialisation. Which is, of course, difficult to reconcile with working models such as flexitime or home office. Nor can it be flexible to track time, basis the nature of employment like – full-time, part-time or student interns.

However, since the 19th century – thanks to the digital world – a lot has happened in the field of working time tracking. We present you 5 possibilities for time tracking with Papershift – flexible, secure, transparent and without any time card!

Automatic time tracking via shift/duty roster

The duty roster time recording fills the hourly accounts for the employees based on the duty roster you created in Papershift. For each shift in which an employee is assigned, Papershift automatically creates a planned time and settles it against the employee’s hourly account. As soon as this “planned time” is in the past, it will be calculated as “actual time”, including the automatic breaks you have set.

Although the time tracking created by the system can still be adjusted later, the time recording via the duty roster is still rather rigid and inflexible. It serves as a pure basic form if times are to appear in the system. If you want to record working times flexibly and precisely, you should use one of the following options.

Time recording via browser time clock

The Papershift Startup package already includes a free browser clock. With this, you can simply clock in, out and record your breaks. Of course you can also enter or change working hours afterwards, if something goes wrong.

The advantages of the browser clock are the accuracy of time recording to the second and direct synchronization with the Papershift Cloud (because you clock time directly in the browser). However, it becomes problematic if an employee records time using this method and does not have an internet connection: No Internet, no time tracking. Therefore, this method is more suitable for companies with desktop workstations.

If you prefer to use mobile devices or just travel a lot, you can use the Papershift Time clock app instead.

The time clock app for teams: time recording via stationary terminal

The Papershift Timeclock app serves as a central time tracking terminal. Papershift Timeclock app is here to replace your local time and attendance terminal. Your employees can directly clock in and clock out with just a tap on the tablet devices like an iPad and also authenticate themselves with their signature or a PIN. These time records are automatically synchronized in real time with Papershift Cloud. This helps you track the most accurate working hours of employees.

Our customer mymuesli, for example, uses iPads with the Papershift Time Clock app as its time tracking terminal at all of its more than 60 locations. Janina Oliveira, Regional Manager at mymuesli, told us in an interview about her experiences with the Papershift time clock app:


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With the Papershift Time clock app, you have the time tracking firmly under control: You can define stamp rules that should apply in your business and the software automatically takes care that your employees do not forget to clock in and out (and if it does happen, the app clocks them out automatically).

The recorded times are automatically synchronized with the Papershift cloud and can be evaluated in real time. In this way, you can find out the exact working hours of your employees and can, for example, automatically prepare the accounting and forward it to your payroll office.

What’s special about the clock-in-time app is that if you don’t have an internet connection, time recordings will still continue and can also be terminated on the device. An Internet connection is only required for synchronization with Papershift. In principle, however, time recordings are stored locally even without direct transmission – so time recordings cannot be lost. Thus, the stationary time clock is the most central and safest way to record working times.

The time clock app for employees: time tracking in single user mode

As already explained, the Papershift Time clock app turns any mobile device – with iOS and Android – into a mobile clock.

In addition to the Organisation Mode, with which the stationary time recording is implemented for several employees via tablet, there is also a second mode of the app: the Single User Mode.

As the name suggests, the Single User Mode is intended for the time recording of exactly one user/employee. This is why this app mode is suitable for freelancers, field staff and other cases in which an employee cannot use the stationary terminal. Otherwise, the clock-in/out app for single users has the same function as the app for teams.

Time tracking via the Papershift API

You already have an existing time recording system, but still, want to use Papershift? In addition to our web app, we offer you a programming interface to integrate Papershift into your own systems. All information about the Papershift API and documentation about existing integrations can be found in our Papershift Developer Hub.


For many of our customers, the time clock app is the most popular way to record time. We have summarized the advantages of this method for you once again in a separate article.

In the end, each team has to decide for itself how the time recording should be done. We will be happy to advise you on this decision, e.g. within the scope of a free online demo, which we will adapt to your individual case.

By the way, in the meantime, you decide on your suitable time tracking solution, try our free excel timesheet template. You can download the free timesheet template here. Also, feel free to use our free online timesheet calculator below in the meantime –

Or you can test the complete Papershift Cloud with all functionalities 14 days free of charge and without obligation. As is so often the case in this case: Try it out!

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  • Clock in and out from browser
  • Time tracking via Phone & Tablet app
  • View & approve time records online
  • Export timesheets to payroll
  • View & approve staff vacation requests
  • Overview of employee availability & absences
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Written by Siva

I write & describe the value & benefits delivered by Paperhift's rota planning, staff time tracking, and employee payroll management software. Especially useful for Shift Planners, Rota Managers, Team Admins, and HR Teams :-)